

Friday, January 15, 2016

January 12 
Forging a new lifestyle out of a lifetime of developed habits and practices is no easy task!  If you step back and take a look at your lifestyle, you will see that it is actually nothing more than a collection of expressed habits and behaviors that are tied to your daily clock.  If you want to experience a true change in lifestyle, you will have to individually change at least some of those habits until you achieve your new lifestyle objective.  The word ‘habit’ itself is defined as an action that is repeated over and over again, day after day, as a reflexive behavior that has become the norm in anyone’s life.  If you wish to change your lifestyle; again, you will have to change your habits.  The best way to make a new habit to replace an old one is repetition.  If you repeat a behavior in a cyclic manner day after day, it soon becomes an ingrained habit.  And once that habitual behavior is established in the course of your life, it becomes the first element of a true lifestyle change.  Therefore if the lifestyle change involves fitness and health, we will need to replace old habits of eating, sleeping and attention to including fitness activities as a part of our everyday lifestyle.  It is always a good exercise to sit down and draw a line down through the middle of a blank page.  Then in the left column write those habits that we have that you need to get rid of.  And in the right column write a list of habits that you wish to develop to replace the old ones.  This becomes a single page picture of the task that lies ahead of you!  Because the technique of habit building is repetition, your next task is to assimilate each of these new habits and began to integrate them into your daily life one at a time, every day, until they become a natural part of your life.

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