

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 6
There are three linked tiers to any fitness program.  They are: nutrition, supplementation and exercise.  These three tiers can be best understood in terms of a common piece of furniture - a three-legged chair called a stool.  This stool is totally stable, of course, with all three legs placed on the floor. Anyone can completely trust their entire weight on it unreservedly.  Each leg supports and complement the other. But if you remove one leg, the stool suddenly becomes unstable.  Yes, one can successfully sit on it, but it is hazardous at best.  Further, if one removes two of the three legs to the stool, it is even more unstable.  Some may even be able to carefully balance on a one legged stool, but it is not a good idea, of course, and it could go down at any moment.  A successful fitness program can be described the same way - all three tiers - nutrition, supplementation and exercise all support and complement one another.  In my gym, I have more than one good friend there who faithfully trains day after day, year after year and never miss a single day!  And yet, they and are still obese and most are actually getting heavier year by year.  They train hard, lift far more than I will ever be able to manage - but they totally ignore any nutrition and supplementation regimes.  I have always assumed they train for enjoyment and not for necessarily to lead a healthy lifestyle.  As we explore getting started in the month of January at Fit Science, we will discuss this in more depth, of course.  And as they are so essential and so vitally important, an entire month this year will focus on each of them.  February: Your Body in Motion.  March: Nutrition.  April: Supplementation.  Stay fit - stay healthy - stay with Fit Science!

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